Screening documentary
Screening of a documentary about Joana Biarnés entitled ‘Joana Biarnés, una entre tots’ (‘Joana Biarnés, one among many’) by Òscar Moreno and Jordi Rovira.
The documentary claim the work of the first woman photojournalist in Spain, a press photographer who managed to forge out a path 50 years ago, in a world dominated exclusively by men.
Auditori del Museu del Suro
Saturday, 17th September at 7.30 pm
Screening documentary
Screening of the documentary ‘La ruta de la vergonya’ (‘The route of shame’) by Àngel García and Óscar Pinal. Angel Garcia, photographer, will present this audiovisual that covers the situation of the Syrian refugees who first traveled to Europe in September 2015 fleeing war and seeking a better life.
Auditori del Museu del Suro
Saturday, 1st October at 7.30 pm
Presentation of books
Presentation of the book ‘Josep Pla i la civilització surera’ by Annie Unland; Collection ‘Album de Records’ published by Baix Empordà.
Fundació Josep Pla
Friday, 23rd September at 7.30 pm
Presentation of the book ‘Pere Català I Pic. Fotografia, publicitat, avantguarda i literature (1889-1971)’.
Llibreria Mediterrània
Friday, 7th October at 7.30 pm
II Photography exhibition in the street
‘Organització i conservació d’arxius familiars’ (‘Organization and preservation of family archives’), conference given by Susanna Muriel, archivist specialized in preservation and management of photographic collections. We’ll find out which are the guidelines we must take to ensure the optimal conditions for the conservation of our photographic archives.
Auditori del Museu del Suro
Saturday, 24th September at 7.30 pm
‘Monsanto, l’estratègia de posar la vida en perill’ (‘Monsanto, the strategy of putting life at risk’) Conference given by Gustavo Duch. Related with Pablo E. Piovano’s exhibition, “The human cost of agrochemicals”.
«I won’t talk about scientific studies that prove the effects of the poisons that industrial and globalized agriculture uses to make money while nourishing us. Because even though they are many, they are irrelevant when the evidences are the faces we can see in this exhibition. And they are as certain as irrefutable. We’ll talk about why this chemical genocide and who is behind.»
Auditori del Museu del Suro
Saturday, 8th October at 7.30 pm