El temps i les coses (Time and Things). Directed by: Cesc Mulet. Produced by: La Perifèrica, 2015.
This documentary film features a variety of experts and friends of Toni Catany who provide first-hand accounts about the highly personal work by the Mallorcan artist. The presentation will be led by Antoni Garau, the director of the Toni Catany Foundation and the curator of the exhibition entitled “My Mediterranean. Toni Catany – Josep Pla”.
Date: 14 September · Time: 7 p.m.
Venue: Auditorium of the Cork Museum of Catalonia · Free entry

La mirada oculta (Eyes of the Soul). Directed by: Carlota Nelson. Produced by: Ojos, Cabeza, Corazón, A.E.E. and Wanda Films, S.L., 2023. Fiercely independent, self-taught and tireless, Cristina García Rodero, the first Spanish photographer to form part of the prestigious Magnum Photos agency, travels around the entire world, camera in hand, to capture how different people celebrate life, love, beauty and death. This documentary follows the artist on her personal adventure.
Date: 31 August 
Venue: Municipal Theatre. Garbí Cinema Club. · Price: 5 €

El sagrat i el profà. Fotografia i antropologia (The Sacred and the Prophane. Photography and Anthropology). Taking the title of the celebrated work by Mircea Eliade, the photographers Carmenchu Alemán and Sandra Balsells will present their respective photographic projects “Profane Winter” and “One step from the heavens”. Their works invite us to reflect on the survival of religious rites, beliefs and festivals from time immemorial in the 21st century, focusing on how they are received today and why we need to preserve them as a form of social cohesion and a sign of identity. 
Date: 28 September · Time: 7 p.m.
Venue: Auditorium of the Cork Museum of Catalonia · Free entry


Memòries del paradís: desvelant els àlbums fotogràfics de la família Roig (El Pinell – Llafranc, 1942-1958) (Memories of Paradise: Presenting the Roig family photo albums. El Pinell – Llafranc, 1942-1958). Enric Bruguera, a specialist in recovering photographic archives and the curator of the “Summer Holiday Album” exhibition, will speak with members of the Roig family about the process of bringing this archive and the family’s memory back to light.
Date: 8 August · Time: 7 p.m.
Venue: Public Library · Free entry

The photojournalists Sandra Balsells and Santi Palacios will host a debate on the Ètica i pràctica del fotoperiodisme (Ethics and practice of photojournalism). The deluge of news today demands truthful and meticulously researched information, but what are the limits of what we want to show and what is the cost? And what about credibility? The two photojournalists will offer a reflection on the way of understanding their profession.
Date: 7 September · Time: 7 p.m.
Venue: Auditorium of the Cork Museum of Catalonia · Free entry

La mirada de Lee Miller: fotografia i vida (The gaze of Lee Miller: photography and life). Xavier Antich, a philosopher and professor of Aesthetics and Art Theory at the University of Girona, the author of numerous publications and a collaborator on cultural programmes in a variety of media outlets, will speak about Lee Miller and her entire professional and private life.
Date: 20 September · Time: 7 p.m.
Venue: Auditorium of the Cork Museum of Catalonia · Free entry


This presentation of Lee Miller, by Antony Penrose, published by Blume in 2023, will feature the author, Lee Miller’s son, Ami Bohuassane, the photographer’s niece who directs the Lee Miller Archive together with her father, and the publisher Leopoldo Blume.
Date: 2 August · Time: 7 p.m.
Venue: Nollegiu Mediterrània Bookshop · Free entry


The nomadic portraits project by Nomad Studio in Palafrugell. Eli Garmendia and Carlos Pericás, artisans at Nomad Studio, are breathing new life into the role of the travelling photographer. Their aim is to bring photography and portraiture to a wider audience who can enjoy the experience of having a professional photograph taken in a different context and space. The two photographers will be in Palafrugell with their mobile studio to take a portrait of anyone who wants one. The lucky ones who take them up on the offer will be able to truly appreciate the profession once they receive a recently made photo portrait.
Dates: 6, 7 and 8 September 
Venue: Can Mario Square in the centre of Palafrugell
Price: 10 € per photograph


Marta Vergonyós Cabratosa will lead a guided visit to her exhibition “Blueism: Blau endins…” (Blueism: Blue inside…)
Date: 10 August · Time: 7 p.m.
Venue: Sant Sebastià de la Guarda Watchtower – Llafranc
Free entry

Guided visits to the exhibitions will be held every Saturday from 10 to 31 August. We also offer special group visits (minimum 6 people). Price 15 € (entry + visit).
Click to book

Guided visits will also be offered for primary, secondary and higher education schools starting from 2 September 2024.
Reservations through


The photography books related to this edition of the Xavier Miserachs Photography Biennial will be on sale in the Nollegiu Mediterrània bookshop.